Waimate District’s history reflects the stirring story of New Zealand’s colonial days, and the pioneers who milled the forests, developed the land into farms and built their towns on the edge of the wilderness.
Historic Sites
There are many fascinating sites of historical significance that have shaped the history of the Waimate District. Visit the many historical sites, monuments, churches and buildings which also make for fantastic photo opportunities.
The White Horse Monument
Our rich agricultural history is celebrated by the iconic White Horse on the hill overlooking the town and coastal farmlands. The site is easily accessible by car, on foot, or mountain bike, and is a fantastic spot to take in the views from the Pacific Ocean to the mountains.
The Hunters Hills of the Waimate District are around 270 million years old. The base rock is greywacke, and it’s faulted along the steep eastern flank of the hills, generally tilting west. Like all of New Zealand, this land is still on the move.
Waihao Marae
The name Waihao refers to an important food resource obtained from the river that has its beginnings in the upland country behind the hills, known as Te Tari Te Kaumira. The Waihao marae hosts visitors on Waitangi Day and at other times by arrangement, and is available for meetings and functions.
Bushtown Heritage Park tells the story of Waimate’s pioneering settlers in the sawmilling industry. It has a working sawmill, miniature train and a collection of buildings being created to replicate Waimate as it was in the pioneering days.
Waimate Museum & Archives
View the impressive collection of 11 historic buildings - including the 1879 courthouse - that showcase over 100 years of architectural styles. One of NZ’s historic gems, this vibrant museum is unique as it is located in the town’s former courthouse.